Hedgehogs in trouble
There has
been an alarming increase in the numbers of hedgehogs in need of help this
autumn. Vale Wildlife Hospital is bursting with hedgehogs – a record number of 235 in their care.
Most of
these are juveniles that need to gain sufficient fat reserves to hibernate
successfully through the winter months.
Without help
these rescued hedgehogs would not survive and hedgehogs now in care will not be
able to go back into the wild to hibernate so will need caring for throughout
the winter.
To keep a hedgehog in food alone costs around £5 per week and many of the sick ones
will need medications. This puts a great strain on wildlife rescue centres and
the hedgehog numbers this autumn are significantly higher than average. Many
have parasite infestations that need treatment and some will not survive, but
those that do are needed back in the wild, as they form the breeding population
of the coming years.
With the hedgehog population already declining in recent
decades it is vital that we do all we can to support both individual hedgehogs
and their habitats.
You can
help by making sure your garden is safe, by putting out
food and water, by making areas suitable for nesting where hedgehogs can
hibernate safely, and by keeping an eye out for any that are in trouble. If you
see any that are out in the daytime, there is very likely to be something wrong
and if you see any young hedgehogs, they may not have gained sufficient weight
to hibernate successfully – they need to weigh at least 650gm.
Vale Wildlife Hospital has a huge burden on their staff and
resources in managing their recent hedgehog inundation. Please support them in
whatever way you can. Newspapers,
towels and food are always needed and they have a wish list on
Amazon that allows you to buy online and have your order delivered straight to
their door:
More information is available on their website: http://www.valewildlife.org.uk/
and you can keep up-to-date on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/38936858194/
and Twitter: https://twitter.com/wildliferescuer
or call: 01386 882288
or email: info@valewildlife.org.uk
01584 890801 for advice on your local hedgehog rescue